Square Deal Cafe - later BlueBell cafe (and currently on
Aug 06 `Royals New Fried Chicken`)
TYPE: Cafe
LOCATION: Upper High
St,West Bromwich before junction with all saints way.
COMMENTS: This location
was part of our West Bromwich run during a night of arcade
game playing,the Square deal cafe,Spon Lane Fish Bar and
finally Kenrick Fish Bar. We was here often despite the fact the games did
not change on a regular basis but on the other hand were
not bad games,I recall the diner being run by West Indian
ladies and my main memory of them is their reluctance to
change our money for the games,they appeared to sell more
sandwiches at the cafe than anything else.
The games themselves?...dedicated X-Y bots!,dedicated Pole
Position 2! very nice, X-Y bots is one of my favourite
Atari games and with Do Run Run these are the games i will
always have strong memory of here.
© Jj 2006+