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TOP 10

Lemmings Atari ST
1. Lemmings

Turrican 2 Atari ST
2. Turrican 2

Speedball 2 Atari ST
3. Speedball 2

Populous Atari ST
4. Populous

Dungeon Master Atari ST
5. Dungeon Master

Stunt Car Racer Atari ST
6. Stunt Car Racer

Buggy Boy Atari ST
7. Buggy Boy

Escape From The Planet Of The Robot Monsters Atari ST
8. Escape From The Planet Of The Robot Monsters

grav-2 Atari ST
9. Grav 2

Flying Shark Atari ST
10. Flying Shark

Enter The Names Of Your Favourite 'Atari ST' games into the form below
(as many titles as you want!) and i shall compile the results in the table:

Atari ST game polls Atari St Game Designer Number Of Votes
1   climber in the Atari St game polls Lemmings Psygnosis     5
- Turrican II Factor 5     5
- Speedball 2 Bitmap Bros     5
- Populous Bullfrog     5
- Dungeon Master FTL     5
6   climber in the Atari St game polls Stunt Car Racer Microstyle     4
- Buggy Boy Tasumi/Elite     4
8   climber in the Atari St game polls Flying Shark Firebird     3
- Escape From The Planet Of The Robot Monsters Tengen     3
- Grav 2 Martin Brownlow     3
11 Jimmy Whites Whirlwind Snooker Archer Maclean     2
- Kick Off 2 Anco Software     2
- Cadaver Bitmap Bros     2
- Bloodwych Mirrorsoft     2
- Lords Of Chaos Mythos     2
- Mega-Lo-Mania Sensible     2
- Populous 2 - Trials Of The Olympian Gods Bullfrog     2
- Torvak The Warrior Core     2
- Vroom Lankhor     2
- Millennium 2.2 Software Studio/Marjaco Micros     2
- Bubble Bobble Software Creations     2
- Future Wars / Adventures In Time / Les Voyageurs Du Temps / Time Travellers Delphine     2
- Xenon Bitmap Bros     2
- Alien Syndrome Sega     2
- Time Bandit MichTron     2
- New Zealand Story Ocean     2
- RVF Honda Micro Style     2
- Black Tiger US Gold     2
- Fernandez Must Die Imageworks/Mirrorsoft     2
- Gods Bitmap Bros     2
31 new entry in the Atari ST game poll F19 Stealth Fighter Microprose     1
     new entry in the Atari ST game poll Test Drive Accolade     1
- Starglider Arganaut     1
- Another World Delphine     1
- Formula One Grand Prix Micro Prose     1
- Star Wars Vektor Grafix     1
- Ghouls`n Ghosts Software Creations     1
- Sensible Soccer Sensible Software     1
- Rogue A.I Design     1
- Silent Service Microprose     1
- Brat Foursfield     1
- Jupiter Masterdrive P.O.F     1
- Nitro Psygnosis     1
- Overlander Elite     1
- Mercs Capcom/US Gold     1
- Flight Simulator II SubLOGIC     1
- Oids FTL     1
- Balance Of Power Chris Crawford/Mindscape     1
- Space Quest: Chapter 1-The Sarien Encounter Sierra     1
- Defender Of The Crown Kellyn Beeck     1
- Captain Blood Exxos     1
- Maupiti Island Lankhor     1
- Sim City Maxis     1
- Black Lamp Firebird     1
- Cybernetix Vision (PD)     1
- Starball Dave Oldcorn (PD)     1
- Sundog-Frozen Legacy Oasis/FTL     1
- Super Sprint State Of The Art/ED     1
- Projectyle Eldritch The Cat     1
- Civilisation Microprose     1
- Lotus Turbo Challenge 2 Magnetic Fields     1
- Plutos Micro Value     1
- Potsworth & Co Hi-Tec     1
- Andes Attack Llamasoft     1
- Total Eclipse Incentive     1
- Horror Zombies From The Crypt Astralvision     1
- Grav Martin Brownlow     1
- Karateka Jordon Mechner     1
- Test Drive II - The Duel Accolade     1
- CarVup Core     1
- Dragon Breed Software Studios/Arc     1
- P*47 The Freedom Fighter Source     1
- Slap Fight Imagine     1
- Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge Magnetic Fields     1
- Spindizzy Worlds Paul Shirley/ED     1
- Ninja Rabbits Microvalve     1
- Elite Mr Micro     1
- Joust Atari     1
- Rodland Sales Curve     1
- Continental Circus Teque     1
- Voodoo Nightmare Palace Software     1
- Sidewinder Synergistic/Mastertronic     1
- James Pond Millennium     1
- Day Of The Viper Accolade     1
- Ironman Super Offroad Graftgold     1
- Castle Master Incentive     1
- Crack Down Sega     1
- Defender II Arc/Llamasoft     1
- Xenon II - Megablast Bitmap Bros     1
- Impossible Mission 2 Epyx/Novatrade     1
- War In Middle Earth Melbourne House     1
- Arkanoid - Revenge Of Doh Imagine     1
- Jocky Wilson`s Darts Challenge Zeppelin     1
- Atomic Robokid Software Studios/Marjaco     1
- Bad Company Logotron Ent.     1
- Llamatron Llamasoft     1
- Nebulus Hewson     1
- Hard Drivin II - Drive Harder Domark     1
- Castle Master II - The Crypt Incentive     1
- Backlash Novagen     1
- St Dragon Sales Curve     1
- Terry`s Big Adventure Gametec     1
- Chariots Of Wrath Toxic Waste     1
- Hacman 2 Kinetic Alchemists     1
- Starglider 2 Argonaut Software     1
- Puzznic Ocean     1
- Super Cars II Magnetic Fields     1
- Metal Mutant Silmarils     1
- International Karate + (IK+) System 3     1
- Fantasy World Dizzy Codemasters     1
- Wonderboy In Monsterland Images/Westone     1
- Head Over Heels Ocean     1
- Technocop Gremlin Graphics     1
- Beyond The Ice Palace Elite     1
- Video Poker Micro Creations     1
- The Light Corridor Infogrames     1
- Krypton Egg Hitsoft     1
- Flood Bullfrog     1
- Treasure Island Dizzy Codemasters     1
- Rotox Creative Materials     1
- Toobin Domark     1
- Paradroid 90 Graftgold     1
- Gemini Wing Imagitec Design     1
- Fred Incal     1
- Speedball Bitmap Bros     1
- Turrican Rainbow Arts     1
- Conqueror Rainbow Arts     1
- Carrier Command Rainbird     1


Atari ST retro polls page
© Jj 2010+