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TOP 10

Chuckie Egg-BBC Micro
1. Chuckie Egg

Elite-BBC Micro
2. Elite

Repton-BBC Micro
3. Repton

Starship-command-BBC Micro
4. Starship Command

Monsters-BBC Micro
5. Monsters

Arcadians-BBC Micro
6. Arcadians

Sphinx Adventure-BBC Micro
7. Sphinx Adventure

Citadel-BBC Micro
8. Citadel

Dare-Devil-Dennis-BBC Micro
9. Dare Devil Dennis

Zalaga-BBC Micro
10. Zalaga

Enter The Names Of Your Favourite 'BBC Micro/Electron' games into the form below
(as many titles as you want!) and i shall compile the results in the table:

Acorn BBC game polls BBC/Electron Game Designer Number Of Votes
1 Chuckie Egg AnF    13
2   - Elite Firebird    11 (+1)
3  a climber in the bbc micro game polls Repton Superior     4
-    a climber in the bbc micro game polls Starship Command Acornsoft     4
- Monsters Acornsoft     4
- Arcadians Acornsoft     4
- Sphinx Adventure Acornsoft     4
8 Citadel Superior     3
- Dare Devil Dennis Visions     3
10a climber in the bbc micro game polls Zalaga Aardvark     2
-    a climber in the bbc micro game polls Wizadore Imagine     2
- Donkey Kong Junior Atarisoft     2
- Imogen Micropower     2
- Frogger Superior Software     2
- Spooks and Spiders Software Inv     2
- Sam Fox Strip Poker Martech     2
- The Way Of The Exploding Fist Melbourne House     2
- Repton 3 Superior     2
- Sabre Wulf Ultimate     2
- Alien 8 Ultimate     2
- Killer Gorilla Micropower     2
- Bruce Lee Firebird     2
- Atic Atac Ultimate     2
- Snapper Acornsoft     2
- Maze Acornsoft     2
- Mr Ee Micropower     2
27 new entry in the Acorn BBC game polls Formula 1 A&B Computing     1
-   new entry in the Acorn BBC game polls Dinosaur Discovery Jacaranda Wiley Ltd     1
- Yellow River Kingdom BBC (on "Welcome" Cassette)     1
- Pole Position Atarisoft     1
- Hunchback Ocean     1
- Danger UXB Micro Power     1
- Ghouls Micro Power     1
- Vortex Software Invasion     1
- Repton around the world in 40 screens J&Superior Software     1
- Astro Navigator J&P Courtney     1
- Thrust Superior     1
- Bonecrusher Superior     1
- Vindaloo Tynesoft     1
- Golden Figurine J&Atlantis     1
- Repton 2 Superior     1
- Exile Audiogenic/Superior     1
- Mr Wiz Acornsoft/Superior     1
- Dragons World 4Mation     1
- Guardian Alligata     1
- Escape From Moonbase Alpha Micro Power     1
- Hypersports Imagine     1
- Joust Atarisoft     1
- Zany Kong Junior Superior     1
- Electron Invaders Micropower     1
- Tanks Salamander     1
- Gnasher Superior     1
- Galaxians / Galaxy Birds Superior     1
- Nutkraka Software Projects     1
- Crack-Up Atlantis     1
- Jet Set Willy Software Projects     1
- 3D Dotty Blue Ribbon     1
- Lunar Jetman Ultimate     1
- Spitfire Command Superior     1
- Gorf Doctor Soft     1
- Nightshade Ultimate     1
- Knightlore Ultimate     1
- Galactic Commander Micropower     1
- Manic Miner Software Projects     1
- Q*boyd Micropower     1
- Arkanoid Imagine     1
- Krakout Gremlin     1
- Hi-Bouncer Mirrorsoft     1
- Lunar Rescue Alligata     1
- Roboman Alligata     1
- Moon Cresta Incentive     1
- Frak Aardvark     1
- GalaForce 2 Superior     1
- Strip Poker Artworx     1
- Jet Set Willy 2 Software Projects     1
- Bandit Acornsoft     1
- Leap Frog JJK     1
- Strip Poker 2+ Anco     1
- Joey Blue Ribbon     1
- BeachHead US Gold     1
- Zany Kong SolarSoft     1
- Ultron Alligata     1
- Crazy Painter Superior     1
- Blagger Alligata     1
- Crawler Watford     1
- Fortress Amcom     1
- Twin Kingdom Valley Bug Byte     1
- Blockbuster Micropower     1
- Carnival / Carousel Acornsoft     1
- Boffin Addictive     1
- Killer Gorilla 2 Acornsoft     1
- Missile Strike Superior     1
- Crazy Caves Swift     1
- Croaker Program Power     1
- Boulder Dash TyneSoft     1
- Painter AnF     1
- Galactic Firebird Kansas     1
- Bouncing Bill Oak     1
- The Pyramid Software Projects     1
- Meteors Acornsoft     1
- Bug Eyes Icon     1
- Robotron Silversoft     1
- Hopper Acornsoft     1
- Star Quake Bubblebus     1
- Eagle Empire Alligata     1
- Cybertron MicroPower     1
- Hangdroid Micromode     1
- Heist Softspot     1


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© Jj 2010+