Sound from the event!


9th August 2014 - Dunstall Park Wolverhampton

COMMENTS: first retro event since Game On 2007 and as I missed Retro Revival 2013 I was looking forward to this event, Dunstall Park is an unusual venue for something like this I guess but anyway both me and friend Bonesy made our way on a couple of buses to the outskirts of Wolverhampton, the shape of the interior to the building is a sort of dog leg and straight through the reception area we walked outside a short distance before re-entering the building in what was clearly a dinning area and bar. After showing our tickets we received our wrist bands and goody bags before starting our Retro Revival 2014 adventure. Straight from the start the first area was an interesting mix of old systems set up to play along with a few arcade cabs (including Simpsons and T2) and a few retro game traders. Now I do not collect anymore and think prices of retro gaming items are an inflated joke so I will simply say I had little to no interest in purchasing any games or systems and was more interested in playing and having a nose around.
Following the room to the left it turned left again into a corridor lined by arcade video games before turning right into another area which provided another space for dinning, here were a few more stands including a set up for the Saboteur game as I believe the designer (Clive Townsend) was due to be at the event to promote a new game?. To the left of this area was a door leading into a huge dark hall and this is where the real action was with lines of pinballs , arcade games, retro game traders and more retro systems on tables set up to play. At the far end of the room there was the `Retro Collect` guys and the Doom tournament area where John Romero himself was to take part.
I did speak to some of the Retro Collect guys including Dean Flukes who by sheer coincidence was at the event and while talking not only did I discover he was originally from the same area as us but he had also contributed to my arcade game locations webpage area, me and Bonesy walked around in circles a lot to be honest and perhaps spent around five hours at the event purchasing a T-shirt form the `Retro GT` stand,I ate food and frank diet coke but that aside I did leave the event a little disappointed. I just could not get on a pinball table at all, I really wanted to get on that Family Guy pin but in the end pinball wise I left this event thirsty.

Bonesy rating 8/10
Jammajup rating 7/10
(Click TITLE for larger images)
Video footage at bottom of page

Video Games & Pinballs
Arcade Classics Cocktail
Arcade Game Area
Arcade Game Area b
Bonesy Playing Gorf
Bonesy Playing Gorf-b
Bubble Bobble Miniature
Crazy Balloon





bonesy playing gorf-b

bubble bobble miniature

crazy balloon

Crazy Kong
Defender & Robotron
Electrocoin Unigame
Field Goal
Fix It Felix Jr
Fix It Felix Side-art

Atari St Game Poll

defender and robotron

field goal


fix it felix jr side art

frogger front

Frogger Side Art
Frogger Side Art b
Frogger Side Art c
Gorf Art
Invaders Revenge

frogger side art

frogger side art 2

frogger side art 3


gorf close up

gorf art


Jack Bot Pinball
Lunar Rescue-close
Lunar Rescue-b
Mortal Kombat
Mr Do!

Jack Bot Pinball

Lunar Rescue close up

Lunar Rescue


Millipede CPO

Mortal Kombat

Mr DO!


Philips Cd-i Game Poll

Master System Game Poll

Megadrive Game Poll

Sega Mega CD Game Poll

Sega 32X Game Poll

Sega Saturn Game Polls

Sega Dreamcast Game Polls

Prize Space Invaders
Prize Space Invaders b
Racing Hero
Revenge From Mars Pinball


Prize Space Invaders

Prize Space Invaders b


Racing Hero

Revenge From Mars Pinball


Sega Touring Car Championship
Space Invaders Pt 2
Super Chase
Surface Tension
The Simpsons Arcade
The Simpsons Arcade Front
Vritual Reality Machine

Sega Touring Car Championship

Space Invaders with prize

Super Chase

Surface tension

the Simpsons-arcadel

the simpsons arcade close

virtual reality cab

Virtual Reality Cab Inside

virtual reality cab inside

Retro Consoles & Computers
Acorn Electron Plus One
Amiga 600
Amstrad 6128
Atari 800XL
Atari Jaguar
Atari Jaguar-b
Atari VCS

acorn electron plus one

amiga 600

amstrad 6128

atari 800xl

atari jaguar

atari jaguar b

atari vcs

Atari VCS 6 Switch
Atari XEGS
Atari XEGS Pacman
Atgames Megadrive
atgames Megadrive-b
Bbc Computer
Bonesy On The 800XL


atari XE GS

atari XEGS Pacman

atgames Megadrive

atgames Megadrive b

bbc computer

bonesy on the 800xl

Bonesy playing avp on atari jaguar
Bonesy playing avp on jaguar b
Commodore 64 model C
Commodore 64 Dropzone
commodore pet 3032
Master System Powerbase
Megadrive 2

bonesy playing avp on atari jaguar

bonesy playing avp on atari jaguar b

commodore 64 model c

C64 dropzone

commodore pet 3032

master system powerbase

megadrive 2

Oric Atmos
Oric Atmos
Panasonic 3DO
Philips Computer
Philips GX7000
Sega Master System 2
Spectrum +2 & Vic 20

oric atmos

oric atmos b

panasonic 3do

phillips computer

philips gx7000

sega master system 2

zx spectrum plus two and vic 20

Tatung Einstein
ZX Spectrum
Zx Spectrum (mint?)
Zx Spectrums`s

tatung einstein 256 computer

Tatung Einstein



zx spectrum mint?

zx spectrums

Galaxy Invader 10000
Doom Tournament Area
Doom Tournament Area b
John Romero Doom Tournament
My Golden Axe T-shirt
John Romero (centre)

gamer Bonesy at retro revival

cgl galaxy invader 10000

doom tournament area

doom tournament area b

John Romero in the Doom tournament

golden axe t shirt i purchased from retro gt

John Romero

John Romero at RetroGT Stall
John Romero Retro Revival 2014
Large Projector
Retro Collect Area
Retro Collect Stand
Retro Collect Super Star Soldier Competition
Super Star Soldier Score

john romero at retrogt stall

john romero at retro revival 2014


retro collect area

retro collect stand

retro collect super star soldier competition

my super star soldier score

Entrance Dunstall Park
Retro Revival Goody Bag
Retro Revival 2014 Wrist Band
First Area At Entrance
R-Type Poster
Salamander Poster

entrance dunstall park

free gifts at retro revival

retro revival 2014 wrist band

retro revival 2014 first area

R-type Poster

salamamnder 2014


Arcade Games .MP4 (9MB)   Arcade Games .Mpg (3MB)   (18sec)
Pinballs .MP4 (10MB)   Pinballs .Mpg (3MB)   (18sec)


Jammajup Retro Revival 2014 page
© Jj 2014